Wang Chengxiang, President of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, was a guest

Also, not all cancers are suitable for screening. Currently, internationally recommended cancers and techniques for screening include: low-dose spiral CT screening for lung cancer, fecal occult blood test combined with colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer,

B-ultrasound combined with mammography screening for breast cancer in women, and HPV combined with cytology screening for cervical cancer. According to the epidemic characteristics of cancer in China,

upper digestive tract cancers such as gastric cancer and esophageal cancer are also considered by experts to reduce mortality through gastroscopy.During the epidemic period, science should distinguish the novel coronavirus pneumonia from the primary pulmonary disease

Wang Chengxiang, President of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, was a guest

Please explain, what is the new coronavirus? What are the differences between novel coronavirus and coronaviruses?

If there is a new coronavirus, then there must be an old coronavirus. In the past, when it comes to coronaviruses, it is the virus that causes what we usually call colds, and the main viruses are rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.

Compared with the coronavirus of our previous common cold, the new coronavirus has mutated, and its toxicity and transmission are enhanced, so it is called the new coronavirus.

What are some ways the novel coronavirus is transmitted from person to person? Who are the susceptible groups?

The novel coronavirus is primarily spread by droplets and contact. Droplet transmission refers to the spread of the virus through droplets generated by patients coughing, sneezing, and talking, which can lead to infection after inhalation by susceptible people.

Contact transmission refers to the infection caused by a healthy person touching his or her mouth, nose, eyes and other mucous membranes with his or her hands after touching droplets contaminated by the patient.

At present, the nucleic acid of the novel coronavirus has been isolated in the feces of patients, so the route of fecal-oral transmission should also be paid attention to. In addition, there is aerosol transmission,

that is, people say air transmission, which means that droplets lose water in the process of air suspension and the remaining proteins and pathogens consist of a nucleus, forming a droplet nucleus, so the distance of this transmission is relatively far. Whether the novel coronavirus can be transmitted through aerosols is still being further explored.

In general, the new coronavirus is generally susceptible, regardless of size, old and young, strong and weak, all people have the possibility of infection. Relatively speaking, the elderly are frail, the body is particularly poor,

or the body has some primary diseases, resulting in these people who are particularly weak are more susceptible to infection. Therefore, after this type of people are infected with the virus, the possibility of further causing severe pneumonia, and even the probability of death is also very high.

What are the symptoms if you are infected with the novel coronavirus? When do I need medical attention?

The new coronavirus, with some of the coronaviruses that cause colds and colds, has similarities and differences in symptoms. In the past, some coronaviruses caused colds, which mainly manifested as upper respiratory tract infections, that is, above the throat, often have nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat such symptoms.

Then for the symptoms of the new coronavirus, fever is the first. Others also have symptoms of dry cough, fatigue, muscle soreness, and some have diarrhea, but the probability of diarrhea is not particularly high, then to the occurrence of severe pneumonia, he will have breathing difficulties, breathing faster these symptoms, and even shock, coma and other conditions.

Who needs to wonder if they are sick? First, it can be judged from whether there is a history of contact. If you are from the epidemic area, or if you have been exposed to COVID-19 cases, and you have symptoms such as fever and cough, you need to be on high alert and go to a designated hospital for nucleic acid test or clinical diagnosis for confirmation.

If you have been at home, have not been to crowded places, and have not been in contact with patients with the novel coronavirus pneumonia, when such symptoms of cold and fever appear, generally speaking, it will not be the novel coronavirus pneumonia. This is because COVID-19 must be exposed to a pathogen to spread.

In particular, some elderly people with chronic lung diseases, such as old slow branches, emphysema, asthma, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, and some lung cancer patients, in the autumn and winter season, it is easy to appear lung infections, will make cough, sputum,

wheezing symptoms further aggravated. Some people will also have fever symptoms, but generally, these symptoms are caused by bacterial infections, because they have never been in contact with COVID-19 patients,

so this group of patients do not need to worry too much. It is also possible to go to a non-designated hospital after the onset of symptoms, and the hospital will do some pre-tests according to your situation, and further determine by your epidemiological history.

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