To cope with such an arduous task of modernization is unimaginable without the strong leadership of the Party

During the new-democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of China, through armed struggle and agrarian revolution, ended aggression and oppression by foreign powers externally, and achieved national reunification and social integration internally,

creating fundamental conditions for China's modernization process. After the founding of New China, the Communist Party of China established the socialist system through the socialist revolution, carried out independent socialist exploration and established a complete industrial system and national economic system,

which provided the political prerequisite and material foundation for the promotion of China's modernization. Since reform and opening up, based on the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism, the Communist Party of China has further defined the goal orientation,

strategic steps, basic line and practical path of socialist modernization. The creation and development of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics has enabled China to catch up with The Times in great strides.

History and reality fully show that the CPC has always been a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and a leading force for the Chinese-style modernization, innovation and development.

Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party and ensure the socialist direction of Chinese-style modernization. Since modern times, Western countries have realized capitalist modernization.

This development path has promoted economic development, stimulated social vitality, and promoted human progress in a specific period, but the uncontrolled pursuit of surplus value by capital has also brought about comprehensive diseases such as market failure

, wealth gap, social tearing, and external aggression. Based on this, the Communist Party of China finally chose socialism after a long period of exploration and repeated comparison, and continuously enriched and perfected it in the practical process of leading China's revolution,

construction and reform. It is precisely because of the CPC's insistence on promoting socialist modernization that China has been able to encourage the healthy development of capital while limiting its disorderly expansion,

maintain a dynamic balance between an efficient market and a competent government, and steadily move forward in the direction of common prosperity, neither following the old closed and rigid path nor taking the evil path of changing the banner.

On the new journey, we must further uphold the Party's overall leadership of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to promote the maturity of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics by comprehensively deepening reform,

effectively safeguard social fairness and justice by addressing the people's urgent difficulties and aspirations, and always ensure the socialist direction of China's modernization drive.

Adhere to the Party's overall leadership and solve the difficulties of Chinese-style modernization. Historically, the modernization of Western countries is a "serial" historical process, in which the tasks of one stage are completed and the agenda of the next stage is pushed forward in order,

and the development is relatively smooth. China's modernization is a catch-up development stimulated by the impact of external forces. Industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization must be promoted simultaneously in a compressed space-time field,

which greatly increases the difficulty of modernization. What is more, the modernization of Western countries has come at a heavy price, with soaring internal materialism, a widening gap between rich and poor,

and the continued destruction of ecosystems, accompanied by countless external expansionist depredations. China's pursuit of modernization is comprehensive, coordinated, common prosperity and peaceful development,

which means that our development faces more constraints and more arduous historical tasks. Moreover, due to the profound changes in the international balance of power, as well as the differences in political systems and ideologies between China and the West,

Western countries led by the United States regard China as a strategic rival and systemic challenge, and contain and suppress China through "whole-of-government" means, further increasing the external challenges of China's modernization development.

To cope with such an arduous task of modernization is unimaginable without the strong leadership of the Party. Only with the leadership of the Party as the foundation and the banner of the Party as the direction, can we constantly adapt to the situation and open a new situation in the historical process of promoting Chinese-style modernization.

We will uphold the overall leadership of the Party and gather the great strength of Chinese-style modernization. The complexity and arduousness of China's socialist modernization have determined the diversity and extensiveness of the construction subject.

Only by pooling the strength and resources of the whole society under the strong leadership of the Party can we form a historical joint force to push forward Chinese-style modernization. Building strength requires a common ideal.

The CPC is a faithful follower of the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through continuous strengthening of theoretical education, the CPC has forged a common belief for which all the people are striving.

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