One person built two of the world's top 500 companies, the company's annual revenue of nearly trillion, but so far have not been listed

In China, many companies like to claim the status of Fortune 500. Many companies consider it a great honor. However, with so many companies in the world, it is not easy to be included in the global 500. In China, there are only more than 100 Fortune 500 companies.

In fact, most of the more than 100 of the world's top 500 companies are large state-owned enterprises, and there are very few real private enterprises. However, there is a big boss is very powerful, he has developed two of the world's top 500, this big boss is Yan Jiehe.

In the latest list of the world's top 500, Yan Jiehe controlled Pacific Construction and Su Shang Construction Group have been listed in the world's top 500. Among them, Pacific Construction ranks 150 in the world, and Sushang Construction Group ranks 299 in the world. Among them, Pacific Construction has annual revenue of more than $70 billion, while Sushang Construction Group has annual revenue of more than $40 billion.

Together, the two companies have annual revenue of more than $120 billion, or nearly one trillion yuan. The earning power of the other two companies is also very impressive, with annual profits of $5.5 billion for Pacific Construction and $1.6 billion for Sushang Construction Group.

The annual profits of the two companies exceed $7 billion, or nearly 50 billion yuan. Mr. Yan's earning power is truly staggering. Yan Jiehe is also arguably China's richest hidden man. But Mr. Yan, who retired in 2011, has handed over Pacific Construction to his son. In 2015, Yan Jiehe's daughter returned from studying abroad, and he handed over the Sushang Group to his daughter to take care of. Yan Jiehe's son is now the richest man in Xinjiang, while his daughter is the richest woman in Shanghai.

Yan Jiehe's life is also legendary. His family was very poor when he was a child, but he did well in school. But after middle school, Yan had no money to continue his education, so he dropped out. After dropping out of school, Yan was lucky enough to do well in school and was invited to teach in a middle school. So Yan Jiehe became a middle school teacher.

Later, Yan Jiehe's wife is also his student, in fact, although they are teachers and students, in fact, everyone is the same age. After the marriage, Yan gave birth to a son and a daughter. But because he had an extra child, Yan was forced to lose his job.

Originally when he was a teacher, Yan Jiehe also made a small workshop to survive the canopy. At that time when the workshop, Yan Jiehe also made some money. As a result, now that his job is gone and his small workshop makes little money, he is forced to work to earn money to support his family.

After working for a period of time, Yan Jiehe is not willing to do so for a lifetime. So he took a risk and borrowed 100,000 yuan to set up a construction company. It's a construction company, but he's just a contractor.

Yan Jie has no connection with the beginning, and he can't get the project. After going round and round, Yan Jiehe got a subcontract project from a company, but because of several hands, not only no profit, but also lose money.

Yan Jiehe thought that since he wanted to lose money, it was better to thank a little and make the project beautiful. In the end, the project lost a lot of money, but the project was completed ahead of schedule, and the quality was also very high.

So the partners are also very satisfied, they also saw the strength of Yanjie and this engineering team. So the next year, they gave a big project to Yan Jiehe's company, and finally completed the project, and Yan Jiehe earned a full 8 million yuan.

In the following years, Yan Jiehe continued his efforts and quickly became bigger and stronger. In 1996, Yan Jiehe spent 40 million yuan to set up Pacific Construction. Yan Jiehe invented another BT mode. This model is actually the capital model.

The biggest problem with projects in many places is lack of money. In order to solve this problem, Yan Jiehe put up money for the local government, and then let the local government pay him back in installments. With this model, Yan Jiehe quickly opened up the situation.

Yan Jiehe also got a lot of big projects, making the company quickly bigger and stronger. Yan Jiehe's Pacific Construction was listed in the World's top 500 in 2013, and his Sushang Construction Group was listed in the world's top 500 for the first time in 2022.

When Yan Jie and his son got married, the wedding was also a sensation in the world. Yan Jie and many world politicians were invited to attend, and the entire wedding cost up to 40 million yuan. Yan Jiehe's son, Yan Hao, took over in his 20s and is the youngest of the Fortune 500.

In fact, after Yan Jiehe retired in 2011, he also retired and did not show, he did not really retire to enjoy life, he was two of the world's top 500 companies to his two children to develop. I was on my way to a third company. Yan Jiehe's solemn think tank is currently under development, and he aims to create the third Fortune 500 in 2029.

Japan's Kazuo Inamori has built two Fortune 500 companies in his lifetime, so he has become an idol for many people. Now Mr. Yan is about to break that record, too.

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