
Why do Fortune 500 companies favor the Greater Bay Area by praising development opportunities, establishing innovation centers, and continuously increasing capital and expanding production?

At this conference, more than 120 foreign companies registered to attend, mainly from more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. More than 80 representatives at the level of Vice President or above from Greater China attended the event, including world-renowned companies such as Pfizer, Carlsberg, Amway, and Siemens. Representatives of enterprises expressed their confidence in the development prospects of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and their plans to continue expanding their investment scale in the region during their speeches and subsequent interviews at the conference.

Pfizer will continue to deepen its efforts in the Greater Bay Area

Pfizer Chairman and CEO Abbott mentioned in a video speech that "Guangdong is striving to create a world-class business environment, which has been recognized by the global business community.". For example, the early admission policy of innovative products highly valued by the pharmaceutical industry under the support of the Guangdong Provincial Government has enabled Pfizer's advanced products to take the lead in landing in the Greater Bay Area.

The picture shows Peng Zhenke, President of Pfizer China and Vice President of China Association of Foreign Investment Enterprises

"The pilot experiment in the Greater Bay Area is an opportunity for us to introduce the first and best breakthrough innovative products in the same category for treating serious diseases into this region, that is, products listed in the United States and Europe can simultaneously benefit residents in the Greater Bay Area." Peng Zhenke, President of Pfizer China and Vice President of the China Association of Foreign Investment Enterprises, said in an interview with reporters on site that Guangdong has always been equal, open, and An inclusive attitude has greatly promoted the development and innovation of enterprises.

As one of the earliest foreign pharmaceutical companies to conduct business in China, Pfizer entered China in 1989 and introduced more than 80 innovative products, witnessing continuous progress and improvement in China's pharmaceutical and health industry, significantly accelerating drug registration efficiency, and improving the medical insurance reimbursement system.

Peng Zhenke stated that the Greater Bay Area provides good opportunities and excellent conditions, with first-class universities, outstanding scholars, frontline hospitals, complete digital technology, pharmaceutical industry, and strong support from the government. Pfizer will continue to optimize the Greater Bay Area strategy and deeply cultivate the Greater Bay Area. In the future, Pfizer will accelerate the achievement of the "Healthy China 2030" goal, from introducing new products to promoting clinical science projects of local biopharmaceutical companies.

Carlsberg is optimistic about China's huge consumer market

Jacob Aarup Andersen, CEO of Carlsberg Group, talked about Carlsberg's development journey in China at the conference. "The connection between Carlsberg and the Greater Bay Area has a long history," Jacob revealed. Since 1995, Carlsberg has established its first brewery in China in Huizhou, and subsequently, Carlsberg's headquarters in China has been located in Guangzhou.

This is Jacob's first visit to the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area since taking office as CEO of Carlsberg on September 1st. He highly praised the investment policy and business environment of the Greater Bay Area. Jacob stated that Carlsberg has been steadfastly investing in the Chinese market, with a cumulative investment of over 10 billion yuan.

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