Beautiful in all its colors

(Chief Roi Mata’s Domain)

Chief Mata is located in the south-central part of Vanuatu. The first site in Vanuatu to be inscribed on the World Heritage List, the King Mata Chiefdoms are made up of three 17th-century sites that reflect human life and death, social reform, conflict and faith in the heart of Vanuatu.

(Museums in Fiji)

The Fiji Museum has a rich collection that tells the history of Fiji, from stone tools dating back more than 3,500 years, to rifles used by the British to conquer Fiji and cowhide covered bibles. A robe and jacket from the Qing Dynasty, covered with words about the Chinese landing in Fiji.

(The Mamanuca Islands)

The Mamanuka Islands (Mamanuka Group), located to the west of the Big Island, are home to the common people from one island to one hotel.

(Thurston Garden)

Desden Garden is a beautiful garden located between Albert Park and Government House in Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji. There is a bell tower in the garden, built in 1918 in memory of the first mayor of Suva. The garden is planted with many rare flowers and trees. The delicate lotus and other flowers are all the more attractive against the lush tropical plants.

(Mana Island)

Mana Island is a small island in the South Pacific, a Fijian territory, and the best season to visit is all year round.

(Bekaa Atoll)

Located in Fiji's territorial waters, the famous Bekaa Atoll has a reputation for being close to paradise among divers, and located in the northwest of Bekaa Atoll is Fiji's famous kaleidoscope of soft coral.

There are beautiful corals in the sea. Beka Atoll is a famous tourist resort, with diving, yachting, visiting tribes, fire rituals as the main content of activities, make people unforgettable.


Vatureere Island, Fiji has a unique island, adventure, romantic atmosphere, but far from the world, no telephone, fax machine, radio and television, not even newspapers! This is the island of Huaturelei, to the south of the Big Island. In Fijian, the word "Waturelei" means "ring rock".

(Dananu Island)

It has some of Fiji's finest beaches and white sands, and the world's top five-star hotels are dizzying, each with its own private beach. Fiji has also chosen to host many important international meetings here, such as the Asia-Pacific Talks, the South Pacific Conference and so on.

(Tarawa South)

South Tarawa is an island group in the Gilberts Islands. It has a land area of 16 km2 and a population of 36,717 (2000 data), the capital of which is Bairiki.

(Millennium Island)

Millennium Island, also known as Caroline Island, is an island in Kiribati made up of coral reefs that grow around a volcano. The volcano is now submerged, leaving only a central lagoon.

Millennium Island's maximum elevation is less than 20 feet above sea level. Once inhabited and mined for guano, the island is now uninhabited and one of the most pristine tropical islands in the world.

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