Bernie Sanders broke the dimensional wall

At the moment, the most powerful Democratic candidate is 79-year-old Bernie Sanders. In Hollywood, He has captured actors including comedian Danny DeVito, "Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon, Mark Ruffalo "The Hulk" and Tessa Thompson Thompson, John Cusack, Jack Nicholson, and Susan Sarandon, Shailene Woodley, among many others.

Looking closely at these names, it is not difficult to find that many of them are active participants in various affirmative action and progressive movements in American society at ordinary times, and what they look at is the various left-wing radical political platforms advocated by the old Bernie.

Interestingly, in the DC Comics superhero movie Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey, which is still in theaters, there is a detail showing that Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie, is also a Bernie Sanders fan and once voted for him. In doing so, Bernie even broke the dimensional wall.

In the movie "Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey", Quinn voted for Sanders, became a hot topic on US social networking sites

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the Hollywood entertainment circle, it is said that the American adult film industry is also very fond of Bernie. Alana Evans, president of the adult film Actors Union (APAG), told the media a few days ago that her vote would vote for him, and she praised Bernie's national health care plan, which is very reasonable, and this has become a number of porn actors interviewed to see the key to Bernie.

Elizabeth Warren, who is somewhat close to Sanders' political line, has also won the support of two industry luminaries, including Moonlight director Barry Jenkins and Modern Family producer Danny Zuker.

And she seems to have the support of fellow women in film and television in particular, including Sally Field, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Schumer, Patricia Arquette, Constance Wu, Elizabeth Banks, ASHLEY Judd and Amber Tamblyn, Have publicly endorsed it.

Competing against Ms. Warren for the women's vote is Amy Klobuchar, a congresswoman from Minnesota. So far, her momentum has been tepid, but she has not given up. On Feb. 17, she held a fundraiser in Los Angeles that was hosted by Lorraine Gary, the actress who starred in the "Jaws" series.

At the age of 19, Lorraine Gary married Hollywood mogul Sidney Sheinberg, who served as the chief executive of Universal Pictures for more than 30 years and was Spielberg's sideman, who single-hander pushed Universal Pictures to the top.

Schenberg died last year, but the mansion where he and his wife Lorraine Gary lived for a long time continues to attract visits from Hollywood celebrities and is very influential in Los Angeles celebrity circles.

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