14 Dangers of not Getting enough Sleep

  1. You have a short temper

When people are focused on something, they will have negative emotions if they are interrupted. Israeli researchers have found that lack of sleep amplifies these negative emotions.

  1. Feeling down

Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman found in his research that one of the two biggest factors affecting people's mood is sleep. In addition, studies have confirmed that people who have a good night's sleep have a more positive mood, while those who have a bad night's sleep have a bad mood.

  1. Headache

Scientists still don't know what causes headaches, but studies have found that 36 to 58 percent of sleep-deprived people wake up with headaches.

  1. Weight gain

People who don't get enough sleep have hormone imbalances, increased appetite, a desire to eat high-calorie foods, and a reduced ability to control impulsive behavior. These factors can lead to rapid weight gain.

  1. Blurred vision

The less sleep time, the more likely it is to lead to visual bias, dark vision, confusion, and even hallucinations.

  1. Slow response

Lack of sleep can also make you less responsive to things in the world.

  1. Slurred speech

According to research, if you don't sleep for 36 hours, you tend to repeat the same words, speak slowly and slurred, much like a drunk person.

  1. Susceptibility to disease

If you don't get enough sleep for a long time, your body's immunity will decline. If you are constantly catching colds, it is likely that lack of sleep is to blame. Research shows that people who sleep less than seven hours a day for two weeks are three times more likely to catch a cold than those who sleep eight hours or more.

  1. The vaccine is less effective

When the vaccine is given during sleep deprivation, its effectiveness is reduced due to weakened immunity.

10, more afraid of pain

Many studies have shown that if you don't get enough sleep at night, the body's sensitivity to pain will be increased, and the tolerance of pain will be reduced.

  1. Reduced learning ability

Short-term memory is one of the key factors that determine the effectiveness of learning. People who don't get enough sleep, their short-term memory ability will be weakened, affecting their learning. In addition, Italian studies have confirmed that concentration is difficult if you don't get enough sleep.

  1. You forget things easily

The less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be forgetful, and the risk of cognitive impairment increases in old age.

  1. Always making mistakes

One study found that a single night without sleep can lead to a 20 to 32 percent increase in number errors. Sleep-deprived people are also more likely to suffer financial losses when making investment decisions.

  1. Gastrointestinal problems

Studies have found that lack of sleep is linked to inflammatory bowel disease; People with Crohn's disease, a bowel disorder, have twice the risk of relapse if they don't get enough sleep.

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