Ears can reflect the health of the body

We often say that "hearing and seeing", which refers to the human ear hearing and eye response are very sensitive, describe the person's mind is clear, keen eyes. So, how can we achieve "hearing"?

The kidney opens in the ear

According to Chinese medicine, the kidney begins in the ear.

With the kidney failure of qi in the kidney, people's hearing will also change accordingly.

Such as infants and young years, kidney essence is full and not full, born and not full, and not full, the hearing is weak, the ability to listen to sound discrimination is poor, and listen not far; Young and strong years, the kidney is full of Qi, the ear is sufficient, so the hearing is bright and sensitive, listening to the sound far away, and the ability to distinguish the sound of speech is strong; In old age, the essence of the kidney gradually decreases, the incarnation is weak, the essence of the ear is insufficient, so the hearing gradually declines, the sound is slow, the sound is difficult to hear, and even the hearing is deaf.

Therefore, hearing changes with age and changes in physical fitness.

The ears can reflect the health of the five organs

In the traditional Chinese medicine classic "Huangdi Neijing", there are words, ears, and family veins. There are many meridians and acupoints gathered on people's ears, which are very sensitive. It can not only hear outside sounds, but also "hear" changes in the body.

Heart Yin deficiency has tinnitus, deafness, ear itching symptoms. "Suq · Jinguiyuanyuan" has said: "The south red, into the heart, opening in the ear, hidden in the heart." When the heart is affected by the disease, it can also affect the ears.

For example, when the heart pulse deficiency, Qi and blood depletion, it may cause tinnitus, deafness, ear itching and other problems.
Liver depression and fire can induce earache and ear distension.

In the eyes of Chinese medicine, the back of the ear represents the liver. When the work and rest confusion, anger caused by liver fire, liver depression, tinnitus will also appear.

Deficiency of the spleen and qi leads to tinnitus. The spleen and stomach are acquired, when the spleen and stomach is damaged, causing fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal distension and loose stool and other problems, it may also lead to ear discomfort. "Huangdi's Inner Classic" wrote: "Stomach hollow then zong pulse deficiency, deficiency then slip, pulse is exhausted, so tinnitus."

In addition, lung deficiency is also prone to tinnitus, mostly in bursts. Kidney Yang deficiency may also cause tinnitus, but also accompanied by waist and knee pain and other symptoms.

Often press the ear health protection ear

There are more than 200 acupuncture points inside and outside the ear, which correspond to each organ of the human body.
The acupoint of the eye is on the earlobe, so middle-aged and elderly people should insist on rubbing the earlobe every day; The acupoints of the limbs are at the outer edge of the ear wheel; The corresponding acupoints of the viscera are in the central area of the ear - the scaphoid fossa.

Two simple massage methods are recommended:

Place your hands at the roots of your ears, your index and middle fingers in front of and behind your ears, your middle finger in front of your ears, your index finger behind your ears, and then push upward from your earlobes.

Take care to have a certain amount of pressure, and close to the ear, up to the tip of the ear, 50 times a day.

Knock the two palms of the sky drum to rub together vigorously, so that the palm generates a certain amount of heat, and then press the two palms respectively on the two ears, the palm is aligned with the ear canal, and the fingers are attached to the back pillow.

Two palms gently force, slowly repress both ears, and then slowly let go, repeated several times. At the same time, use the thumb point placed in the back to press the wind pool point several times.

Fengchi acupoints are found on the back neck, in the depression under the back skull, level with the earlobe. Ear massage can be performed several times a day.

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