Chest pain self-help guide

Chest pain is actually a warning signal from your heart, and it is associated with many deadly diseases, such as acute myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and aortic dissection.

If you do not realize that you think that you will pass by holding on to "take one", you are "risking your life".

Tell me about the chest pain

Remember the "120" when you have chest pain

More than 6% of patients with acute coronary syndrome will have ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, many patients with chest pain think that after the chest pain, it will be OK, but the real "fatal" is the possibility of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, which is also one of the main causes of death in patients with chest pain.

Encounter chest tightness, chest pain, palpitations and other suspected symptoms, how to pay too much attention to, even after the hospital found that it is a "false alarm."

Must bear in mind the "two 120" : first, have chest pain, to call 120; Second, strive for the "Golden 120 minutes".

If treated within 120 minutes, the area of cardiomyocyte necrosis will be greatly reduced, and the area of cardiomyocyte necrosis directly determines the survival rate and future quality of life and the probability of complications.

For patients and their families, it is necessary to abandon two wrong practices and avoid delay.

One is to call relatives and friends or non-specialist doctors to consult friends.

The second is to wait for the disease to relieve itself after taking the drug or to see if it is getting better.

Chest pain self-help guide

  1. If you have symptoms of chest tightness and pain, call 120 immediately for medical help.

  2. Lie down and rest, keep the air circulating, relax and avoid tension.

  3. Measure blood pressure and heart rate.

  4. Take or chew 1 nitroglycerin tablet subolingua. If symptoms do not relieve, take nitroglycerin tablet again 10-15 minutes later.

  5. Chew and take 300mg of aspirin.

  6. Oxygen inhalation can be given if conditions exist.

  7. Keep the phone open to ensure that 120 can communicate at any time.

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