The press and public opinion work is at the forefront of the ideological front

Therefore, under the new historical conditions, to continue to accelerate the construction of "strong" philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, we must still adhere to the guiding position of Marxism and give play to the leading role of Marxism in philosophy and social sciences.

To give full play to the leading role of Marxism in philosophy and social sciences, firstly, we should strengthen the construction of Marxist theoretical discipline. To expand and strengthen the Marxist theoretical discipline,

relying on the theory of Marxist Sinicization to reveal the great development achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of Marxism, reveal the Chinese plan for the changes of The Times and the development of the world,

constantly enhance the influence and discourse power of the Marxist theoretical discipline, and provide reasons and solutions from solving outstanding problems of development. Chinese philosophy and social science workers should always adhere to the guidance of Marxism, strengthen the academic, intellectual and ideological construction of Marxist disciplines, and form high-level scientific achievements.

Secondly, it is necessary to guide the construction of the system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics with Marxist viewpoints and methods. Under the guidance of Marxist theory,

we should carry out exchanges with various theories, form positive interactions, face the same and different problems, discuss together, and make collaborative innovation. Chinese philosophy and social science workers have always adhered to the Marxist standpoint,

viewpoints and methods to study problems and innovate theories, and produced a large number of thoughtful theoretical achievements, which has changed the status of philosophy and social science in China in the international community.

At the same time, Marxist theory itself is open, derived from the excellent achievements of human civilization, philosophy and social sciences, and its development is of course closely integrated with practice and other theories.

In other words, Marxist theory should constantly absorb, transform and innovate the excellent theoretical achievements of various disciplines of philosophy and social sciences, so as to enrich and develop Marxist theory,

which is also an important content of the construction of the philosophy and social science system with Chinese characteristics guided by Marxist standpoint, viewpoints and methods.

Thirdly, Marxism should be used to lead the construction and reorganization of philosophy and social sciences. Under the profound influence of the profound changes in the world unseen in a century, philosophy and social sciences once encountered the great significance of ideals and beliefs,

and were unable to solve new problems such as technological change and ecological civilization. Philosophy and social science need to carry out a paradigm revolution led by Marxism,

which inevitably requires us to carry out the construction and reorganization of philosophy and social science under the guidance of Marxism. Therefore, in the process of explaining China's social progress and solving the problems of world development,

we should construct philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics with a new paradigm, and form a new discipline with Marxism as the theoretical basis, ideological premise and methodological guidance.

This is the development trend and future state of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics that are "strengthened".Deepen the understanding of the Sinicization of Marxist news view

We have realized a new leap in the Sinicization of Marxism." This important judgment deepens our understanding of the Sinicization of Marxist news concept, and points out the direction and provides guidelines for the news and public opinion work in the new era.

In 2019, the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues concerning Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting the Modernization of China's Governance System and Governance Capacity" adopted by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward and fully deployed the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field as a fundamental system.

This is "a concrete manifestation of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the ideological and cultural fields, indicating that our Party's understanding of adhering to the law of ideological work guided by Marxism has reached a new height."

The press and public opinion work is at the forefront of the ideological front, and its overall goal and requirement are "two consolations", that is, consolidating the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field and consolidating the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole Party and the whole people.

The implementation of the fundamental system of "upholding the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology" into the news and public opinion work in the new era is mainly reflected in three "adherence".

First, uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership, firmly grasp the Party's leadership over press and public opinion work, and clearly insist that the Party exercises control over propaganda, ideology, and the media.

Second, adhere to and innovate the construction of the news system guided by Marxism, such as establishing and improving the work system of arming the whole Party with the Party's innovation theory and educating the people,

establishing the CPC Central Committee news release system, building a more scientific and efficient talent management system, promoting the implementation of the responsibility system of news and public opinion work,

and improving the performance evaluation and reward mechanism; Third, adhere to and strengthen the vocational training system for journalists, take the basic theories of Marxism as compulsory courses and professional skills for journalists,

read Marxist classics and understand Marxist principles as professional habits and spiritual pursuits, and observe, analyze and report social issues with Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods.

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