nor can they fall into "complete consistency", but more to serve national strategy and help national governance

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the new era, the Chinese people have demonstrated the broad prospects of socialism with the great practical and theoretical achievements of Chinese-style modernization.The development path of new think tank construction

We should strengthen the development of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create a number of new think tanks with important decision-making influence, social influence and international influence, so as to provide support for promoting scientific,

democratic and law-based decision-making, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, promoting high-quality economic and social development, and enhancing the country's soft power.

The construction of think tanks in the new era needs to fully draw on the operation mechanism and beneficial experience of modern western think tanks, carry forward the essence of fine traditional Chinese culture,

base on basic functions, respond to the questions of The Times, promote interdisciplinary development, and form a new development path of think tanks with Chinese characteristics.

Demonstration leads the production and application of human knowledge. There are many ways to interpret the evolution of human civilization, and each has its own rationality. From the perspective of knowledge development history,

the process of human civilization development is essentially the process of human knowledge development, or the process of knowledge evolution. The basic function of think tank is to serve the society and provide the society with forward-looking, targeted and reserve service products.

Therefore, the new type of think tank needs to assume the role of demonstration and leading the production and application of human knowledge, and take on the mission of promoting the evolution of knowledge to the bright direction of mankind.

Here, we must clarify a misunderstanding in theory, that is, think tank is only engaged in knowledge application, but has nothing to do with knowledge production and knowledge innovation. Defining the function of think tank as public policy research is the commonality of western modern think tanks,

but the commonness is not equal to the applicability, and providing high quality thought products is still the core function of think tanks. Historically, the deliberate avoidance of knowledge production and knowledge innovation by Western modern think tanks is in line with the general pursuit of professional,

efficient and practical value orientation in the era of industrial civilization, and is the product of the era of industrial civilization. The knowledge evolution based on the discipline division system leads to more and more knowledge differentiation,

and the institutions of knowledge production and knowledge innovation tend to be specialized. Modern western think tanks have advocated specialization and science from the beginning, and this habit has been extended to China,

which has gradually formed the narrow cognition that "think tanks are to do applied research". From the perspective of the development law of think tank, think tank is the dialectical unity of knowledge production and knowledge application,

the organic unity of "governance" and "governance", and the integration of "internalization in mind" and "externalization in practice". Therefore, the construction of think tanks in the new era needs to base on the basic functions of think tanks, follow the development law of think tanks, and achieve high-quality development of think tanks.

Intelligence underpins Chinese-style modernization. Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization, different from capitalist modernization, and is the only way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At present, think tanks are playing an increasingly important role in national governance and have increasingly become an indispensable part of the national governance system, and the development level of think tanks has become one of the important indicators to measure the country's governance capacity.

The construction of Chinese-style modernization is inseparable from the intellectual support of high-end think tanks. To explore the relationship between think tanks and Chinese modernization,

the essence is to identify the attributes of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics. The attributes of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics are neither "independence" as advocated by the West,

nor can they fall into "complete consistency", but more to serve national strategy and help national governance. At the same time, as an important subject of China's decision-making consultation system,

think tank's maturity directly affects its service ability and level. Establishing and improving think tank governance mechanism that matches the needs of decision-making consultation is also an important aspect of think tank construction.

The new type of think tank that underpins Chinese modernization needs to adhere to three principles. First, we must be problem-oriented. The think tank is the thinking tank of the actor, is the guide to guide the action,

and needs to directly provide the solution strategy to the problem. It is the responsibility of think tanks to adhere to the problem-oriented view of the world and methodology, to identify the "real problems" and propose effective solutions to the problems.

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