in forming and enriching the Chinese national spirit, and in inspiring the sons and daughters of the Chinese people to safeguard national independence.

The existence of a nation is inseparable from the inheritance of its culture. If a nation loses its cultural tradition, it is like duckweed without roots. History and reality show that the rise and fall of a nation is ultimately the rise and fall of a national culture.

Traditional Chinese culture has unique content and strict system, carrying the basic value pursuit of the Chinese nation, containing the national spirit of the Chinese nation, is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation, and has distinct national characteristics.

From the perspective of history and comparison between China and other countries, the fine traditional Chinese culture is a unique symbol and unique advantage that has been gradually formed in the long history and evolution,

and is the collective memory of the Chinese nation. It has played a vital role in forming and maintaining the political situation of China's unity and unity, in forming and consolidating the big family of multi-ethnic groups in China,

in forming and enriching the Chinese national spirit, and in inspiring the sons and daughters of the Chinese people to safeguard national independence.

The rich wisdom contained in China's fine traditional culture has provided important inspiration and solutions to solve modernization difficulties, promote ecological protection, improve social governance, improve administrative ethics, promote ethnic exchanges, and strengthen moral construction.

Consolidating the dominant position of Chinese culture is the foundation for the Chinese nation to settle down and is also the fundamental qualification for the Chinese nation to stand in the family of nations.

History and reality show us that the fine traditional Chinese culture is the profound foundation of the spiritual edifice of the Chinese nation. It is not only preserved and inherited in the form of historical classics,

but also has penetrated into the blood of contemporary Chinese people, and is reflected at all times in daily life. It has become a deep historical and cultural psychological accumulation of the nation,

a rich nourishment for our cohesive national spirit, an indispensable precious wealth for the construction of contemporary Chinese culture, and an inexhaustible driving force for promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The governance of China in the new era, the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the human vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind must be rooted in the deep soil of the fine traditional Chinese culture.The results of the single-cell level study of neurological and psychiatric diseases were released

Deciphering the genetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and common psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder has been a major challenge because the human brain is so complex.

The team described single-cell sequencing of the prefrontal cortex in healthy people and patients with neurodegenerative diseases through a wide range of brain phenotypes. The findings, based on 388 individual brains, could help assess the link between genetic regulatory components and brain diseases.

UCLA analyzed splicing mechanisms in the developmental human brain and the diversity of subtypes it causes, a process strongly associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. It is also one of the most comprehensive studies to date.

The team also used a larger sample of individuals to overcome the limitations of past studies, and the obtained data solidified the study of autism-related cortical cells.

A project led by McLean Hospital researchers to generate single-cell maps from individuals with and without schizophrenia provides a deeper understanding of the drivers of the disease.

The Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard University studied potential differences between the sexes in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder at the transcriptome level in the brain.

The researchers' analysis of transcriptomic data from more than 2,000 brain samples shows that it may take a greater combination of genetic and environmental factors for women than men to develop these psychiatric disorders. Understanding this difference opens up new ways to treat related diseases.

The brains of 1,270 participants were assessed for changes in brain cell types in Alzheimer's disease, autism and schizophrenia and found evidence of a potential causal relationship between the disease and endothelial cell loss. These changes can provide valuable information for understanding how these diseases develop.

The suffering of patients and their families caused by neurological and mental illness is huge and long, and only by understanding it at the most fundamental level can we reduce the incidence of misfortune.

Scientists have been exploring what contributes to the risk of such diseases: What are the effects of genes? What are the key differences between different genomes? What happens during brain development?

The PsychENCODE Consortium was set up to answer these questions. By comprehensively studying the genome, transcriptome, epigenome and three-dimensional genome, they are gradually revealing the molecular mechanisms and pathogenesis of mental diseases."Chinese science poet" enters Beijing's Dongcheng district to tell the story of scientists

The "Scientist Spirit Promotion Series activities" were held in Dongcheng District of Beijing.

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