The World Cup qualifier between China and South Korea takes place tonight. Yankovic: Seize their loopholes

"The 3 points we scored in the last away game are very important for the whole team. Since we are back at home and the opponent is a strong opponent, we hope to continue our good form for a little longer. Everyone is excited and excited, and can't wait for the game to start." Looking forward to the 2026 World Cup qualifier match between China and South Korea at 20:00 today, Chinese men's football coach Yangkovic expressed the team's expectations for the game.

The long-awaited home matches of the World Cup qualifiers, the long-awaited opponents of top Asian teams, and the good start to the long-awaited qualifiers have all attracted much attention to this game. Ticket sales are booming, and everyone is looking forward to the Chinese men's football team delivering a beautiful transcript.

More than 40000 tickets have been sold out

After the Chinese team defeated the Thai team away, more than 40000 tickets for the China South Korea match were sold out on November 17th. For the Chinese national football team, the last time there was a game where tickets were hard to come by was 6 years ago, when the opponent happened to be the South Korean team. On March 23, 2017, the Chinese team and the South Korean team met in the World Cup qualifiers, and the Changsha Helong Sports Center was fully booked. In that game, with Yu Dabao's goal, the Chinese men's football team won 1-0.

Now, facing the South Korean team again at their own home stadium, with the cheers of the full crowd of fans, the national football players are full of motivation.

"Thank you to the fans for their continuous support. When we played away against the Thai team, there were fans who came from afar to cheer for us. And this time at our own home stadium, being able to play in a stadium full of Chinese fans is exciting, which is a huge motivation for us," said Yankovic.

Player Zhang Linpeng also expressed her gratitude to the fans: "Thank you all for your support. I hope we can give back to the fans with good performance, so that we can live up to them and the flag on our chest."

Everyone should have a sense of defense

To suppress the attack of the South Korean team in the game, defending the team's top star Sun Xingjin is undoubtedly the most important aspect. Regarding this, Yankovic stated that as long as it is a team, there will be loopholes.

The South Korean team is a world-class team, and Sun Xingjun is a very outstanding player, but we don't just need to defend him alone. We need to defend all the players of the opponent. Defense is a holistic issue, and we require everyone to have a high sense of defense. The stronger the opponent's strength, the more active and energetic we are. However, at the same time, we also know that even the best team in the world can have loopholes What we need to do is to catch their loopholes Yankovic said.

Zhang Linpeng, who is about to face her own national team in a hundred matches in the match between China and South Korea, also said, "We just need to execute according to the coach's tactical intentions. I think we can play well against the South Korean team."

The goal of improving focus is to win the game

Emotional control and increasing focus have always been emphasized by Yankovic and his players.

"For the issue of emotional control, I am actually constantly communicating with the players, which is a very important thing for the team," said Yankovic. "The team did a good job in this aspect of the game against Thailand.".

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