We will promote the intelligent equipment manufacturing industry

"The application of new technologies by enterprises is based on the premise of cost control. At the same time, help the company develop healthily." Xie Dong believes that forming a partner ecology in the development process of artificial intelligence is the key.

First of all, the basic theory of artificial intelligence needs cooperation, although artificial intelligence has achieved good development, but far from the ultimate answer, but also need massive data support,

need to consume a lot of computing power, but also need to consume a lot of energy. Second, cooperation and exploration are needed in application models. Finally, credible AI must be built on a global consensus and requires the joint efforts of all aspects of society.

Take root in China to develop cooperation

"All of you here today have done your part to promote the development of artificial intelligence." Said Xia Quan, Qualcomm's global vice president.

The reason why artificial intelligence can achieve today's achievements is inseparable from the joint efforts of all parties. This is very much in line with what the modern management scientist Peter Drucker said: strategy is not what we will do in the future, but what we do now will have a future.

Qualcomm is positioning itself as an artificial intelligence company. Xia Quan introduced that in the 1990s, when Qualcomm was founded, it was an innovative enterprise with CDMA technology (that is, "code division multiple access",

which is a digital mobile communication technology), and the subsequent development of CDMA chips, including communication chips, from 3G to 4G and then to the current 5G, becoming a global chip supplier.

As the world's leading wireless technology innovator, Qualcomm has changed the way the world connects, computes and communicates.

Talking about the future, Xia Quan believes that after the cloud, the end side will be a new opportunity. First, from a capacity point of view, any system that relies only on the cloud for training will be less efficient when the number of users exceeds the limit.

Secondly, from the perspective of implementation, many models need to be placed on the end side for reasoning when there is no network, which requires the use of end-side AI computing power. Finally, running large model computing power on the end side and running generative AI greatly protects user privacy.

Xia said China's AI is developing rapidly. Data show that before 2010, there was only one Chinese mobile phone company in the world's top 10. So far, seven of the world's top 10 mobile phone companies are from China.

Xia said Qualcomm has deep cooperation with its Chinese partners. At present, Qualcomm's cooperation with Chinese ecological partners has expanded to many industries such as smart phones,

integrated circuits, Internet of Things, big data, software, and automobiles. In the future, Qualcomm will uphold the concept of taking root in China and promote the global development of Chinese partners.

What works for the user is best

"In the process of serving customers, we have observed that few customers directly put forward the need for Internet technology, generative AI, but to ensure that the technology can serve the goals of enterprise development."

Jinlin Pei, global vice president of SAP, said that SAP is not only a company that provides artificial intelligence solutions, but is essentially a management practice company. For different enterprises, the AI solutions required are also different.

Since the rise of "Industry 4.0", instrument production, laboratory upgrading and digital platform construction relying on technologies such as computer network, big data, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence have also risen.

Pei Jinlin, for example, said that "smart detection" is to install sensors on each device, recording including city, machine room, temperature, humidity, use, maintenance status and so on.

In SAP, the generative AI business is also known as commercial artificial intelligence, and its underlying large model partners include Open AI, IBM, and so on. In Pei Jinlin's view, many business scenarios can not be achieved by blindly pursuing generative AI, only the technology that is suitable for customers and can help them achieve their business development goals is the best.Dongfang Electric:

We will promote the intelligent equipment manufacturing industry

"Dongfang Electric is an equipment manufacturing enterprise focusing on the production of electric power generation equipment." Zhang Yanjun, general manager of Dongfang Electric Group,

told reporters that it will speed up cooperation with the industry to provide solutions for the transformation of intelligent manufacturing in the equipment manufacturing industry.

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