Slow the progression of myopia

In recent years, myopia has shown a trend of younger age, and even in preschool children of four or five years old, myopia has also appeared. Playing computer, watching TV, watching CDS, watching mobile phones, these modern electronic products can not be separated from, are "manufacturing" a batch of "small myopia".

Experts remind that parents should pay attention to the presence of children squinting, head tilt and other myopia signals, once determined true myopia, need to take the child mydriatic optometry and wear glasses in time.

In the current situation can not change the genetic factors, change environmental factors and active treatment become the main way to prevent and treat myopia, parents need to remind children to pay attention to eye health and eye care, reasonable intake of some foods rich in protein and vitamins, in order to slow down the process of myopia.

Holiday is a high incidence of myopia in children. The children are out of the control of school teachers, and there is no adult to take care of them at home.

In this long holiday, the children can play computer, watch TV, watch CDS, look at mobile phones without restraint, usually parents do not let do, this can do as they like.

But every year at the end of the holiday, when many children come to school, they will suddenly find that they can not see the words on the blackboard, and they know that they have myopia. Experts warn that every year after the holiday, there will be a large number of "small myopia", which makes parents both sad and helpless.

Even preschoolers as young as four or five years old have seen nearsightedness.

Experts pointed out that children's eyeballs due to immature development, if the eyes are firmly fixed on the fluorescent screen for a long time, the close eye activity of the continuous gaze at the luminous screen, the damage to the eye muscles is particularly large, which is also the main reason for the increase of "myopia" during the holiday.

How can parents detect myopia in children early?

Children's eye clinics account for almost half of their visits because of poor vision. But for younger children, he generally will not take the initiative to say that things are not clear, so how can parents detect that the child's eyes may be short-sighted?

It was thought that vision loss crept in, until blurred vision was discovered, and the die was cast. In fact, before the loss of vision, the occurrence of myopia is also a sign, there are signals.

Squint. Squinting improves vision in about four lines, temporarily increasing and improving visual acuity by reducing diffuse light and reducing the effects of astigmatism. When they can't see clearly in the distance, children often resort to squinting to compensate.

Tilt your head and look into the distance. Parents often find that their children tilt their heads when watching TV, using peripheral vision to achieve the purpose of seeing clearly distant objects.

Reading and watching TV can't help but get too close. Reading is basically on the book, repeatedly remind the effect is still not obvious. After reading books and studying, they show symptoms of eye fatigue such as rubbing their eyes, blinking, and excessive eye expressions such as frowning.

When the child has the above situation, be sure to take the child to the hospital for a detailed eye examination, which will help early detection of myopia or other eye diseases in the child, and be corrected as soon as possible.

Must the child myopia match glasses?

Because of myopia, the child can not see clearly in the distance, the child must mobilize his eye reserve force to see clearly, at this time the eye forms a myopia factor, the formation of which will stimulate the development of myopia. So if the child is nearsighted, or as soon as possible to match glasses as well.

Once the child is determined true myopia, it is necessary to wear glasses. Some parents do not want their children to wear glasses so early, and feel that once they wear glasses, the degree of myopia will be more and more deep, which is wrong.

After wearing glasses, they still do not pay attention to eye hygiene, incorrect eye use and long-term close eye use are the reasons for the increase in degrees, and the deepening of myopia has nothing to do with wearing glasses. Without glasses, excessive fatigue of the eye muscles will only make myopia more serious. Reasonable wearing of glasses, is the correct treatment of myopia.

Mydriatic optometry is the first choice for children, and preschool children should use slow powder

Children are generally recommended to dilate the eyes to optometry, children myopia is caused by too close to the eye caused by the cyclospasm, and long-term cyclospasm caused by the elongation of the eye axis.

If the early stage is only a cyclospasm, do not dilate the mydriasis do not relax this spasm, and optometry may cause false myopia.

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